Tuesday, February 26, 2008


How comfortable are you in your skin?


I remember one full moon night in Uni
we girls had this habit of having our baths outside
not outside the compound-thing is the house we all lived in
had this open space at the back where the well was
we were priviledged to have a well in our compound
others would come and beg for water in our abode

Thing is when we needed to do this........
we would ask that someone shuts the main entrance
and if anyone heard a knock the person was sure to go inform whoever was bathing outside that a male was coming in

so this day -whoever it was that opened the door decided to reduce my brideprice
so i am there having my bath....
and this guy walks in
it would have being nice if he was just some random guy in school
he turned out to be a friend's friend-but a person i know and speak with

he saw me-shey he would have just walked away
he just stood there and said Ibi.............Hi
5 secs later i got over my intial shock and i said hello
how u been?
he says cool-then asks me-have i seen D?
the babe he was in my hostel to see
i said no-check her room
he says
nice seeing u-then proceeds to knock on D's door
D opens the door and is shocked that he was at her door and there I was

later she comes into my room mortified-why did'nt i run,scream,pour water on him?
i said well he had already seen me
what was the point?
he decided to be like that............
so i played along
afterall no body send me to bath outside abi?

i have a cousin who goes once she sheds her clothes before a man
she becomes shy.................
i know brothers dont mind baring it
but in my opinion
since we are both in our birthday suits
what the hell
i aiint feeling shy over my body
its beautiful-i am proud of it
ok-so i aiint as bootilicious as Jlo
it will happen yet
in my lifetyme..................

but if some bro thinks if he happens to see me
i am gonna be embarrassed about it.........
it aiint happening
not unless my clothes get torn in the middle of third mainland bridge
or somewhere densely populated
but if its a brother at a tyme*wink*
even uninvited onlookers.............
i looooooooooooove my body.......................
come see


ablackjamesbond said...

Hey! Been trying to find ur blogsite for a while. Thanks for stopping by. Now to my comments...

You are definitely one f the lucky ones. A lot of people r not very comfortable in their skins.

But please dont go bathing in not too discreet places, a 'king' might just be watching

ibiluv said...

ehhehehheheheeh...i will become a king's wife aiinit.....*wink*

all that luxury.......
should be easy to get used to............

my skin.........i love i love

Adekunle Shobowale said...

Totally My kind of girl.

ibiluv said...

@adekunle shobowale...........yea u know my P......

Hengish said...


You go with your sexy self!

ibiluv said...

@hengish......yea babe