Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Sexy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Usually i'm in braids..plaits...locks
i like it
i look good in 'em
and it doesnt interfere with my favourite past time...*wink*

when i'm running late (most mornings)
i rake it in place with my hands
when i've been thoroughly ravished....*wink*
i rake it back in place with my hands

a weave is harder to manage
you need to oil it.....
hair accessories,nets,brushes,combs,sometimes gels
i just cant be bothered to have to spend 5-10 mins
on my hair on a daily
and that IS mornings only
Lord knows how many more times i have to check my coif
during the course of the day

but i got meself a long wavy weave two weeks ago
everyone seemed to like it
i did too

i remembered my childhood dream
hair as long and silky as Hema Malin's
or was it Rekha?

i have now decided......i'll do a weave more
maybe not always long
maybe not always wavy
but once in a while i'll do away with the norm of

so sleek,amingos,paloma,expressions....
whoever and whatever ur names are...
i do solemnly promise to use you more in 2009

my ex (Mel) called last week
this week he sent me an sms at 12:04 am on his birthday
i already decided i was gonna act like i forgot
but he i just let slip a happy birthday

next thing i know if i remember correctly
there will be an invite to hang out........
una whey sabi am
helep me tell him
he will ONLY get a whiff........after marriage......
IF we get married.....else.....
he cant just leave me.......then 2yrs later.....

i know........once debe.....ever debe
but in this case
for him to debe;he must OWN it......
afterall i gave him 3 years.......

but then again
maybe he is just being friendly.......
i sit back and watch......
soon....wind go blow.......we go see fowl yansh

I remember 31st Dec 2000
dude i was dating then
said to me
i want your eyes to be the first thing
i see in the new year......
please spend the new year with me

its corny i know
we were not in love but it was sweet.........
we had only being dating about a week...
yea.........i did spend it with him....we went to church
church abi???....ask me o......we were hanging out as a group

and one of us na deacon pickin.......
he did look into my eye at the dot of midnight and we kissed
how did we manage it in church???
i no know but i remember someone

after church we went clubbing
please remind us no be church we from come?????

neways on the eve of 2009 ....there was no one who
wanted to look into my eyes.....

2008 was a great year.......
again and again i was assured of God's love........
my family.......i love to bits....and vice versa
my job i love...and hopefully vice versa..*a raise*.....
friends i care deeply about....hopefully vice versa
being broke didnt happen this year...yippie....
enuff money in the suv...a man that bones me silly

oops the money in the bank,suv and man na typo
those are wishes for 2009.........*wink*

wish u all a fabulous 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year Blogville!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

For Freak.......


Worst Movie: Irapada(yea......t'was shown at galleria)

Second Best: Jenifa 1/Letters to a stranger

Best Movie: American gangster


Worst Meal/Snack: cant think of any...if i dont have good reviews about
wont come near my mouth

Second Best: Chicken republic is da best fast food joint i know

Best: Amala...Ewedu...Fresh one does it like i do....erm maybe


Worst Drink: none

Second Best: Hollandia settles my tummy....

Best: Baileys on the rocks


Worst Song...just watch an hour of tv...someone is bound to spoil your lunch......

Second Best: Street Credibility ...9ice & 2face....

Best:.........Dont break my heart.......Banky W


Worst Moment: none

Second Best: getting the call-you got the job

Best: getting a grammy after a certain someone made me sing my heart out
after an eight month drought...*wink*.....t'was so good i lost
phone on the way home.....


Worst accessory/kit: one crazy bag my aunt sold to me

Second Best: cute shoes i got at a bargain price

Best: my pink la senza counts...*wink*


Worst Toy: None

Second Best: None

Best: I dont do toys....*wink*..but life would be hard without my fones & lappy.....


Most Difficult Person: Pa

Second Best: Mi brothers

Best: Mama...i'm grateful you were my vessel to earth.....if i had to pick...i'd
pick you again and again....

Favourite Blog Post

By another blogger...hard to pick....

By moi:..............same as above..every post is a reflection of my
happy,rich,broke....little bits and pieces of me......


Worst Skill: evaluation and report writing skills

second Best: being diplomatic

Best: Multi-tasking...working effectively & blogging

Xmas was quiet but i went and added 2 inches to my love handles.....i do hope i can do my sit ups for the last 6months...i've been doing them in my head...*wink*...........Merry Xmas peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

For Oyin(Kinshar)

Oyin why you wanna be all up in my biz???

here goes......

1) I love God.....i may not be that hijab wearing sister but acknowledging His
goodness/mercies/blessings upon moi and mine and trying to be a better muslim is
important to me.....very important

2) I love my mama & brothers to death(my dad.......i love him.....just not to death)

3) If i dont act soft around/with with it

4) If i act soft around/with you-chances are i may let you fuck me

5) I used to suck my tongue

6) I'm lazy

7) I did not like watching porn

8) I hate being broke

9) I think my doctor likes me.....*wink*

10) I miss that shimmery afterglow i get after earth shattering

so i hereby pass this on to........

1) Smaragd
2) Freaksho
3) Afrobabe
4) Aloofa
5) LG
6) Baroque
7) Padosh

all ye other darlings of mine

Oyin said 7 people......if i wan write everyone go finish
...abi make i tag all of una??????


There are some simple rules to accept this award:
1. List 10 honest things about yourself, hopefully

2. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Did you hear me cum????????

INYANYA WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nii came second
Praise third
Annette 4th

i'm elated..........

.....alas......they say i'm too old for him(Inyanya)

i should give girls his age a chance

i lick my wounds in private.......
and hope Banky W will have me back.......
i promise to be a faithful groupie......

My cousin is getting introduced in two weeks
had girl talk over the sallah holidays

when did you know it was him?

she's known him 5 years
.......then she thought
u want a whiff of another life

he confessed back then
all he wanted was a little sumthing sumthing

she never gave in.........

different relationships and years down the line

they are talking one day
and he goes....marry me.....

she goes thro every reason why she should say no
cant find any..........

she's happy...........i'm happy for her

Saw my ex over sallah........Mel.......
...turns out my Gramps and his Gramps
built their Lagos Villas opposite each other

i wonder how many times his gramps and mine
exchanged neighbourly banters......

...............both dead now

his mum has moved into her dad's place
she has a cordial relationship with my grandma

everytyme i visit Gran and she pops in.......
i have this evil grin on my face

wondering if she'll ever find out
how many ways her son fucked me brains out
in the three years i dated him......

its a wonder i still have a medula.....*wink*

neways he was there to see his mum
i was there to see gran
we saw.....we said hi

we hung out for an hour later in a group

talked....laughed together as a group

for a split second..........
i wanted him to grovel
i saw myself straddling him
i saw his mum and my

his fone rang...he did not pick it.....

it was her(i'm sure)....

i'm secretly hoping she's the face on facebook

i can gloat.......she's got nothing on me(she no fyne reach me)

moreover if he could not say............i'm with friends

then he's gat withdrawal symptoms......*evil grin*

sent my song in to Geisha
if una no like when una hear am
make una no abuse me o

i just hope it wasnt the other stuff i sent in
*blush to my roots*

the sound of me cummmmmmminggggggggg........

how come i have it recorded?????
i have no idea............*wink*

Monday, December 1, 2008


Thanks peeps for your response to 4 fingers
she now knows....even a whole fist is possible.....*wink*

So Bisola (Project fame)is out....felt sad she had to go
neways she go quick go hook up with Kodjo.....*lol*.....

make una vote for
My heart....Iyanya...i wonder if going all groupie over him
is because he is Calabar(i think).....*cough*......

Praise.....dont care

Annette.....she has a great vocal range in spite of them jugs....or cos of them...*wink*............ Charlie.....

Made it to the doc on fri...skipped work
got some drug for my back......muscle pain he said
got a home aunt the nurse did the honours
........t'was good and cheap(free)....*wink*
blood work showed a little malaria,a little thyphoid
got drugs for them too
and spent the weekend swallowing pills

i'm much berra wise
but i would really love to get a fix......*wink*.....

in the absence of a fix.......
let me tell u a story.......

First job straight out of camp(NYSC)
a bank........job was ok..hours were good
peeps i had to work with were mostly assholes
i didnt give a hoot...needed some sort of experience on my cv
was in a branch close to my abode
but i would go to the head office twice a week to help out

.....if you've ever heard me on the phone(guys)
you really wanna see the face that accompanies the voice...........
i know it...they know it......*wink*

while i'm no Bella Naija(girl is HAWT)
but i can hold my own.............*wink*

during the course of discharging our duties
we would need to call the IT department at the Head Office
sometimes several times a day
i developed a good rapport with two guys that were assigned to us

after a while,one of them O was already talking
about browsing my website(his exact words)

i only waved it away......i was amused but not interested

three months at the job....i became a guru.....
any problem i couldnt solve was a network problem
hence IT guys..........

twice a week......tues & thursday....i was expected to head out
to Head Office to help with paper work............

was at H.O this fateful thursday
minding my work whilst gisting and someone made me laugh.........

i heard someone call out my name
i came out of the cubicle
his voice sounded familiar.......
i scanned thru the faces in my brain files

no match........

he goes...hi Ibi..
then it clicks.....ohhhh....the other IT guy....
(he's cute)
nice to finally meet you.....
(i was mentally wondering how much oil my wayward nose must have secreted)
i've got pimples............
oil on my face comes with the territory
oily facial skin...pimples or

my supervisor coughs.....enuff with the greeting...get back to work

an hour later the intercomm buzzes
i'm allowed to pick her calls........i pick it
its D.........come

i drop the receiver..........who was it?..... call i say.....

ten minutes later....i need a break i say

be back in twenty she the loo
hair in place.......check
glasses out....contacts in......check
oily nose.......powdered
lip gloss......popping...
a dab of CK-In2u..........
i pee...i clean up...i wash...
i dry...i moisturise..........

i head out to the IT dept

he's there with Mr *browse your website*
i sit..Mr website...leaves

we chat......i'm fascinated...
he shows me some of the stuff he does
i'm awed............yea....
......i love to be around intelligent people........ 20mins is up
i go back down we've met
we find several reasons to call
on a daily..............*wink*

3 months later he asks if i'll hang out for an icecream after work..........
why not......yippieee.....(i'm a sweettooth junkie)

he picks me a while later

we hang out till its too late/dangerous to head back to mine.....
i no complain o.........
he was witty and easy to talk to
the hours flew.........

he suggests his place.....ok i say.....
no electricity........gen was in a bad mood.....
..........fashy it we did

.......he gives me a shirt.......we take
separate showers

on his bed...we lie facing each other......
gisting.......... phone rings.........its 1130pm...

which kain winchy be dis??????????