Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brought work home........ended up visiting Baroque's and stole this.....

Stolen Anything: i only borrow...*wink*...

Been Drunk Before Noon: if being satiated counts....

Had Sex In A Public Place: a car,a roof,the stairs,someone's porch abi na verandah,on a well,hotels(lol) to find new spots

Got Caught Telling A Lie: Of course.....

Been Arrested: Almost...arresting officer saw the press card my pal had and he changed his mind...

Littered: When i was younger......

Fantasized About A Co-Worker: Everyday...*wink*

Cheated On A Test: The end justifies the means......

Cheated In A Relationship: He was sleeping with his ex........

Failed A Class: Never. A few.......

Screened Your Phone Calls: I had to....

Eaten Food Off The Floor: does beef and groundnut count?

Stuck Gum Under A Desk: Was i suppossed to put it under my shoe????

Wished You Were Someone Else: Denzel's wife

Cried During A Movie: A few tear drops.....the first movies---the burning train and yeh vada raha....

Had A One Night Stand: A few.......

Had To Pull Over On The Side Of The Road To Puke?: nope

Had Your Heart Broken?: cracked......

Had A Good Feeling About Something?: Yep

Had A Near Death Experience: my life flashed before my eyes....

Swam In Freezing Water: I have no plan to.....

Jumped Off A House: i have no suicidal tendencies...............

Been Attacked?: not really

Bungee Jumped: I'd rather get fucked on an escalator(in a mall).....

White Water Rafted: is it the same as playing ludo?

Pulled An All Nighter?: what do you think????.honestly......

Surfed: I'd rather get my pussy eaten.....

Lied About Your Age: why would i????...if he can handle it-so can I

Broken A Bone?: and be unable to get some great sexing???????hell no.........